
I’m an independent trader but unlike many other traders I did not come from an engineering, data science, developer, or finance background. I have a master’s degree in creative writing. I did my master’s thesis on mystical traditions in poetry.

So how did I end up trading? Long story and I’ll get there.

More importantly, I’m an information gatherer, and an information sharer. I like to share the things I learn. And with trading—particularly options trading, a complex world of theoretical, mathematical ideas—there are reams of really bad or just outright confusing places to learn.

Very little is written in plainspeak. Many “Introduction to Options” videos and courses start by teaching you the Greeks (we’ll get there) within the first few lessons. One “Intro” course I took showed me a risk profile in the very first lesson, and told me that my vega needed to be in balance with my theta. Or a course will begin by telling you how to place a trade, and describe the different varieties of option trades. None of these were helpful to me.

I didn’t need to what or how, but why.

So this blog will have some whys. And it is simply a compilation of my learnings, and occasionally critiques of the b.s. that you come across in internet finance. (Lotta snake oil out there.)

I make no money from this site, and don’t intend to. No affiliates, no classes and no comments, because I have enough email to answer for a lifetime. This is just for me, and if it helps you, wonderful! I just wanted to write about topics at length without overwhelming my fellow traders in Discord channels.